Saturday, March 13, 2010

An Image a Day...

Recently, I attended a photography seminar, and as many of you know...Photography, like Writing, is one of my favorite hobbies. Photography, however, goes a little deeper for me, than a feels more like an extension of me than anything else. Like if I ever were to lose my hand for some reason, and they tried to put a claw on me or something, I'd just as soon have them make it a tripod rather than anything else. Even if I could trade it for a perma-pen. Yes, I would definitely choose a tripod....I digress...

The gentleman leading one of the classes I was taking said that when he was trying to become a better photographer, he started a photography blog and committed to posting one image per day on it. After being introduced to my favorite new photographer, Joey L ( and becoming completely and utterly awe-inspired, I've decided to attempt the same thing. I might not post on the it likely won't be an image per day exactly, but I want to try it out and see just how many new photos I can take, edit and share. Perhaps, where my words have been lacking lately, my photos can make up.

This picture was taken at the Dhow Wharfage area of Dubai...and in broad daylight. But for me, there was something particularly sad about this was off to the side away from the other boats..a "loner" boat, you might say....but in all of its "sadness" over there being alone....its face was covered with the light of the sun, and really...what on earth is better than the sun shining on your face? I like to think the boat agrees...