Thursday, June 14, 2012

Chapter Closing...

Its been a long long time since I've written - half a year to be almost exact. The past 6 months have been strangely busier than my already usually busy life. We made the decision to leave Dubai and return to the States 6 or so weeks ago now after years of talking about it, dreaming about it and planning for it. Its finally happening.

Today was my last day at Delta Lighting Solutions - the job that brought me to Dubai in the first place. In fact, as I sit here typing I'm still at my desk - the last one in the office today. Its dark as the sun is going down and my little desk light is on - the only one left on at the moment. The only sound is that of the tip tap of the keyboard as I type the note. Its oddly peaceful and calm and exactly the way I would hope to end this chapter of my life.

Dubai has been good to me - the friends I've made here invaluable and the goals I met, the same. There are always losses when you make a decision - you walk out on opportunities left and right, but at the end of the day you have to look forward and choose. And that's what I did coming here. And its exactly how I'm leaving.

I will miss my Delta friends. Thank you for being a part of this chapter of my Life book...